[ Mega Script Archive ]

Htmlscript is available for free to users of subscribing ISPs. If you would like your ISP to get htmlscript on your system, or wish to learn more about htmlscript, go to http://www.htmlscript.com/. Htmlscript works as a CGI pre-processor and allows users to create interactive documents with the addition of a few more easy to use HTML tags.

Mega Script Archive now distributes the bundled htmlscript templates, and in the future will be the source for even more htmlscript programs as they are created. You can find what we currently offer below.

To run these templates from your web page, your server must be enabled with the htmlscript engine, however all htmlscript programs are browser independent. Participating ISP's offer htmlscript access at no charge. If your ISP does not offer htmlscript, please refer them to htmlscript.

Quiz System
   Run existing quiz systems or create your own
   text your visitors knowledge.
Forum System
   Visitors post messages into organized and
   searchable category based forums.
Search Engine
   Shows how htmlscript can be used to build
   an interactive and searchable index.
Mailing List
   Example of collecting data through htmlscript
   and prompting for unfilled form fields.
Site Analysis
   Dissects a site and produces a report about
   the HTML contained within a document.
Analyze Links
   Analyzes a site and produces a report which
   contains all of the links on a web page.
Download htmlscript Templates
   Download the htmlscript templates shown here.

"The Document Is The Application," "Open Web Document Connectivity (OWDC)," "The Htmlscript Developers Registry," "hts-connect," "Jyve," "Koolcat," "htmlscript" and the htmlscript "blades" logo are trademarks of Htmlscript Corporation. ⌐ 1995, 1996, 1997 Htmlscript Corporation. All rights reserved.

[ Matt's Script Archive ]